How to start the new year right

How to start the new year right

How to start the new year right

New Year resolution

Starting the new year off right can be difficult. You might have made resolutions in past years that fell by the wayside, but this year is going to be different. You're going to set some goals and stick with them! I mean, you'll probably fall off the wagon once or twice along the way but hopefully not more than that. (We're all human after all.) So here are some ideas on how to start off 2019 right:

Start the new year off right by making a resolution that is actually attainable.

  • Don't set goals that are too tough. If you want to run a marathon by January 1st, it's not going to happen. It's better to aim for something achievable that will give you a sense of accomplishment, rather than something that will cause you to feel like an imposter for the rest of the year.

  • Don't set goals that are too easy. If your goal is just to keep up with your current exercise routine, chances are good that once January rolls around and new year's resolutions start popping up everywhere, you'll forget about it altogether and go back to your usual couch potato ways. Choose something challenging but still realistic—this way, when success does come along (and it will!), you'll be able to enjoy the fruits of your labor for longer than one measly day or week!

  • Don't make them vague: "I'm going to eat healthier" isn't specific enough; "I'm going to cut out sugar from my diet" is much better because it gives us some idea of how many pounds of candy bars we won't be eating throughout our lives if we stick with this resolution!

Instead of setting a resolution, pick a word to inspire you for the year.

Instead of setting a resolution, pick a word to inspire you for the year.

A word that resonates with you is much more likely to have an impact on your life than a resolution that falls by the wayside after January 1st has passed.

We’re all familiar with the words “success” and “happiness;” they don't really say anything about what it means to be successful or happy. For example, if your goal was simply to be happier throughout 2018, what would that look like in practice? How would achieving this goal change how you behave or feel? A word that is too broad might lead you down many paths without leading anywhere specific.

Declutter your home by donating to charity or hosting a yard sale.

Have you ever been in a home where everything seems to have its place? The drawers are organized by type and size, the bookshelves have only one book on each shelf, and there's not a single item that's out of place. It's wonderful to walk into such an organized space and feel like you're at home. But if you've ever been in your own messy home after seeing this other person's pristine one, you know what happens when reality hits: You start questioning yourself.

You might think that their house looks perfect because they've spent hours decluttering or because they've never purchased anything for themselves since moving out of their parents' house. But the truth is that no one has enough time or money for either of those things—and even if they did, it wouldn't guarantee perfection anyway!

So how can we create our own amazing spaces without having everything perfectly organized all the time?

Make a commitment to be more present with friends and family.

New Year

There are few things better than spending quality time with friends and family. The holidays are a perfect opportunity to reconnect with loved ones, whether that means catching up over coffee or bringing an extra plate of cookies to the neighbors' house. In order to get the most out of your time together, make an effort to focus on being present with those around you. This can mean everything from putting down your phone during dinner (or while driving) to making eye contact when speaking with someone who's in conversation with you—even if it's just for a second!

Get organized this new year by taking care of simple things like getting your files in order.

  • Get organized by getting rid of your clutter.

  • Use a filing system to keep your files organized and safe.

  • Scan important documents so you can keep them in digital format, too.

Make a resolution you'll keep by setting realistic goals.

  • Make a resolution you'll keep by setting realistic goals.

  • Set a goal for yourself that is attainable and reasonable, but challenging enough to provide some extra motivation.

  • Make sure your resolution is specific and measurable, so it's easier to track your progress over time.

  • Be sure to set a time frame for when each step of the resolution will be achieved (e.g., "By March 1st" or "By January 5th").

If you're not sure where to start, try de-cluttering first.

If you're not sure where to start, try de-cluttering first. De-cluttering is the simplest way to begin a cleanse and the easiest way to reclaim your space. This can be accomplished by creating a checklist of all the things you keep in each room of your home, then slowly working down that list, one room at a time. As you complete each task, don't worry about perfection—just make sure that every item on your checklist has been removed from its current location and placed somewhere else until it can be properly disposed of or recycled.

Don't make too many resolutions at once.

The best way to start a new year is by making one resolution, or at least trying to make one. But don't go overboard and try to change everything about yourself at once—it's not going to happen and you're going to be disappointed. Instead, focus on something small that you can easily do over the next few weeks and months: eliminate any negative habits that are holding you back in life (such as eating junk food), improve one area of your health (like exercising), or develop a new skill (like learning how speak French).

If all goes well with this resolution, then add another one! The key here is not being too ambitious or perfectionistic: just make sure that the goals are realistic for who you are right now instead of who someone else thinks they should be (or worse yet...someone else tells them they should be!)

Turn it into a habit by writing down what you want to do everyday so that it becomes a habit.

  • Write down what you want to do everyday so that it becomes a habit.

  • Make a plan and give yourself a reward for each goal you achieve.

  • Don't give up! It will get better with time and practice, but if you ever feel like giving up just remember why you started in the first place!

  • Don't be afraid to ask for help or advice from others who have been through similar experiences like yourself! You can do this, I believe in you!!!

Start the new year off right by taking care of your body with good nutrition, exercise and sleep habits.

In order to start the new year off right, you need to take care of your body. Making good nutrition, exercise and sleep habits a part of your daily routine is essential for feeling great. Here are some tips on how you can get started:

  • Nutrition

It's important to eat healthy foods that provide energy. Try eating high-protein foods like chicken and fish for lunch, or add nuts and seeds into salads and oatmeal for breakfast. A good rule of thumb is to stick with lean meats like turkey breast over red meat because it's higher in fiber while being lower in fat and calories than beef - which can contribute to heart disease when consumed regularly.

  • Exercise

Make sure you're getting plenty of physical activity each day by hitting the gym or playing sports after work with friends! You don't have to spend hours sweating it out either - just 30 minutes per day will do the trick! Some simple exercises include: biking at a moderate pace for 30 minutes; walking briskly on level ground for 30 minutes; jogging on level ground for 20 minutes; swimming laps continuously for 10 minutes; playing tennis singles or doubles matches against others who are around your skill level (or slightly above/below); playing badminton singles or doubles matches against others who are around your skill level (or slightly above/below).

It's all about setting realistic goals and making positive changes that are attainable and sustainable

  • Don't set goals that are too hard to reach.

  • Don't set goals that are too easy to reach.

  • Don't set goals that are too vague, or you can't measure progress towards them and feel discouraged. Define what "better" looks like and how you'll know when it's been achieved (e.g., lose 10 pounds).

  • Don't set goals that are too specific—or they may be impossible or unrealistic by the time they occur (e.g., run a marathon at age 73). Instead, aim for progress over time: commit to running 5 miles every week this year, even if it takes years of consistent effort before your ultimate goal is reached!


That's it! We hope you've enjoyed reading this post, and that it has inspired you to make some positive changes in your life. Remember: the most important thing is to set realistic goals and make them attainable. If you're not sure where to start, try de-cluttering first—you'll be amazed at how much better your home will look once all those junk items are gone for good! Once that's done, move onto another goal like getting organized or eating healthier food...or buying new furniture!